Digital Services. The Changes Predicted by the Market Shapers
July 18, 2019

La Nacion, a major daily newspaper in Argentina, included Silvina in its review - Digital Services. The Changes Predicted by the Market Shapers.

La Nacion included Silvina in its review part 1

".. For Silvina Moschini, co-founder, president and director of Transparent Business (a platform to manage remote employment in a verifiable way), the great opportunity is that we are experiencing the perfect storm for digital transformation, from Cloud technology, where data goes to to be a cost center to be a massive center of opportunity, and artificial intelligence, which helps make that data meaningful."

Moschini stressed that changes in business models show the transformation, such as the on-demand model, where "access is more important than owning", and predicted changes in business that will not come from the hand of technology, but from people: "Millennials will become 75% of the aboral force in five years, so the ways of negotiating will change at all levels."

La Nacion included Silvina in its review part 2