Google Video
September 1, 2019

Today we released a video related to the early fundraising by Google and the related lessons applicable to the fundraising plan of TransparentBusiness.

As our objective is to make TransparentBusiness synonymous with the category of Business Transparency and generate high returns for our investors, we regularly hear an opinion that major success stories resulted from more advantageous set of circumstances.

However, the reality is often opposite. Take, for example, Google – the ultimate tech success story. Here are a few quotations from In The Plex, a well-researched book on Google history by Steven Levy, a former chief technology writer and a senior editor for Newsweek.

On page 30 he reports that ..for a year and a half, all search companies approached by Google founders, refused to consider Google technology. “We couldn't get anyone interested”, he quotes Larry Page, a co-founder of Google.

The page 84 of the book contains a story on how a purchase of the first fax machine required the approval of both founders of Google.

Google did not even have funds to hire a web designer, which was the reason for its famously primitive design. “The minimalism is that we didn't have a webmaster”, Larry Page is quoted on page 31.

Some institutional investors roll their eyes when we share our objective to take TransparentBusiness to the valuation of $120B. Ironically, Google founders got the same reaction with a much smaller objective, as discussed on page 73: “The elite of the elite of venture capital firms in Silicon Valley was Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. The head was John Doerr, a bony blond man with oversize spectacles who .. rose to the top of the VC heap during the Internet craze, funding and Netscape, among others. .. His meeting was just ending when Doerr asked a final question: “How big do you think this can be?” “Ten billion,” said Larry Page. Doerr just about fell off his chair. Surely, he replied to Page, you can’t be expecting a market cap of $10 billion. Doerr had already made a silent calculation that Google’s optimal market cap—the eventual value of the entire company—could go maybe as high as one billion dollars. “Oh, I’m very serious,” said Page. “And I don’t mean market cap. I mean revenues.”

It's ironic that the judgment of a top VC pro was EIGHT HUNDRED TIMES OFF - Google's valuation has exceeded 800 billion dollars.

Most VCs in Silicon Valley had refused to finance Google; Doerr decided to invest despite his skepticism.

Another interesting observation is that Google was funded pre-revenues and even, as discussed on page 79, “Two years the $25M investment, Google was yet to make any money.”

“The VCs were screaming bloody murder. It wasn't certain that Google would avoid becoming another crushed reddish.” reports Steven Levy on page 83.

Our TransparentBusiness, on the other hand, started its current round only after having generated $3M in revenues.

Google was a startup entering the business category crowded with large companies, such as Yahoo, AOL, Netscape, InfoSeek, AltaVista, Magellan, CompuServe, GoTo,, Excite, Inktomi,; while TransparentBusiness has a chance to take over business transparency before notable competition develops.

The success is never guaranteed, but in tech business the returns on investment can be astronomical. The page 76 of the book mentions Google's VP of business operations, Omid Kordestani, whose stock options have grown to $2 billion.

The summary of our opportunity is accessible at Please keep in mind that the current round is limited to ten million shares only and may be completed with a single purchase; don’t miss out on it by delaying your review!